Ring a Week #1Sometimes, I just need a little kick in the pants to get me going. So this is why I have commited myself to participating in the RAW Challenge.
What is RAW or Ring a Week?
Well, This is a group of very tallented artists that have challenged themselves to create a different ring each week for the entire year. Last year a group did a ring a day, which was waaay to intimidating for me, but one each week, I think I can do.
The rules are simple, each new week, one new ring. The ring can be constructed from anything, your imagination is the limit! Once you have constructed the ring, post it to the flickr pool here – http://www.flickr.com/groups/ringaweek/
There is some serious tallent here and I suggest you check it out.
This Moon and Stars ring is my first installment for the Ring a Week challenge. It is probably one of the most complex pieces I have created so far, as far as difficulty of soldering goes. I think it turned out pretty well and I am excited to get to work on my next ring 🙂