Ring a Week #10

Just got back in town from visiting my family, and here is my Ring a week for last week! I tried something new with this ring and raised the stone so the bezel appears taller. I really love how this ring looks on. It will be in my Etsy shop soon! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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Ring a Week #6 – Ember Ring

 I just finished photographing this little carnelian agate ring for Ring a Week. The stone is primarily an orange color with a flair of red on the othe side that reminds me of a flairing ember in the last moments of a warm fire. This one is a size 8 and will be going in my shop. Thanks for looking!

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Ring A Week #2

Ring A Week #2I know, I know… It is week three. I didn't get it photographed until today, but I did make it last week. This week I am going to get back on track, so expect RAW#3 in a few days. I was pretty busy last week, and haven't ever actually made stacking rings until now, so here is my first go at it. I love the rings together… Why did I not make them my size! If you want to check out what other tallented artists are making for RAW go to the flickr group here.

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Two New Rings!

  I used to hate making rings. Really hate it, but I have began to warm up to them, and now I am going to have to start trying to NOT make rings. Rings are challenging and I always am learning new things when I try to design and construct a ring. The first one is an abstract daisy design with a bright blue Amazonite. In the second ring the stone looks like a frothy mix of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, and reminds me of a neapolitan ice cream.  This week I am going to try and get a few […]more

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Ring a Week for a Year Challenge

Ring a Week #1Sometimes, I just need a little kick in the pants to get me going. So this is why I have commited myself to participating in the RAW Challenge. What is RAW or Ring a Week? Well, This is a group of very tallented artists that have challenged themselves to create a different ring each week for the entire year. Last year a group did a ring a day, which was waaay to intimidating for me, but one each week, I think I can do. The rules are simple, each new week, one new ring. The ring can […]more

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